Sunday, December 25, 2011

Getting Started

It's been a long time coming.  I've finally caught up on shopping, baking, wrapping, and making and have found the time, (whilst listening to the sounds of a machine gun firing as my husband plays his new Xbox), to start my new blog.  Confession:  I'm 29 years old and I just learned how to sew.  There, I said it.  Until my last birthday, I could not even sew on a button.  Come to think of it, I still may not be able to sew on a button, but otherwise, I CAN SEW and I LOVE IT!  I never thought I'd find a past-time/hobby I'd enjoy as much as my husband enjoys staring working on old cars, but I have.  My goal of having this blog is to document my projects, offer tutuorials and helpful sewing tips, and hopefully make a little extra income as a bonus.  The first few posts will be catch up until I get to real time.  So...  Here's to losing free time and gaining a "hobby". 

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